09 | 1993

Arch+ 118 „Young architects in the Federal Republic”

„Hansen + Petersen“, in: ARCH+ 118 Junge Architekten (September 1993), P. 34–35

“The Klüse suspension railway station in Wuppertal, which was destroyed in the Second World War, is being rebuilt at its historic location, at the Schauspielhaus. Since several urban routes cross at this point, Jürgen Hansen and Ralf Petersen placed great emphasis on urban significance and integration in their station design. The lower distribution level is an additional public space during the day, which is illuminated via the translucent platforms above. They are made of non-slip, walkable glass (Litefloor). The entire supporting structure is divided lengthwise into flat individual supporting structures, which are stiffened by connections made of pressure pipes both at the platform level and above the tracks and by cable bracing.”