Hotel Bristol – Extension and Refurbishment


The design for the renovation, conversion and extension of the historic Hotel Bristol (formerly Kempinksi) respects the listed building with its floating façade, while at the same time we want to develop the building in this location by improving and upgrading the central courtyard, which is to become an inspiring open space for the entire neighborhood in the future. Obsolete buildings that are no longer needed will be demolished to make room for new uses and open spaces. The new courtyard design is intended to revitalize and reinterpret the historic “Kempinski Plaza”. The courtyard area will be open to the public and create a connection between Fasanenstrasse and Uhlandstrasse.

The planned measures in the existing building include a reduction in the hotel lobby area on the first floor and a redistribution of the restaurant and commercial uses. On the first floor, an independent restaurant with an outdoor terrace is planned in the Ku'damm/Fasanenstraße area, which will continue the historic restaurant use at this location. The rest of the 1st floor and the other upper floors will continue to be used as a hotel.

On the 7th floor of the existing building, an extension with restaurant use in light construction is planned. The planned extension is set back from the building façade so that it is not visible from the street. An accessible roof terrace is also to be built.

The courtyard development is to be restructured by concentrating the volumes into two compact 6-storey extensions and maximizing the open spaces. To connect and develop the two volumes to the existing building, the courtyard façade will be connected at two points. The character of the historic existing façade is nevertheless retained and clearly perceptible through the positioning and design of the new volumes. The first floors of the new buildings will become part of the overall commercial zone, which in future will be characterized by a large number of small stores, restaurants, etc. and will continue to be connected to Uhlandstrasse. The upper floors of the new buildings will form an extension of the hotel use of the existing building and will have an extensive green roof.

A lower-lying inner courtyard between the two new buildings provides a green and permeable outdoor area, as well as providing light for the uses in the basement. The remaining underground open spaces at ground floor level will be intensively landscaped and designed to absorb water. The inner courtyard will offer sufficient green space and recreational qualities for the hotel and the ground floor uses, as well as creating a connection to the outdoor facilities of the neighboring buildings, with the aim of creating a coherent inner courtyard.

These new buildings correspond with the future building on the neighboring plot facing Uhlandstrasse and spatially define the open spaces in between. The open spaces are to be publicly accessible and can be reached from Kurfürstendamm and Fasanenstrasse via the ground floor zone of the hotel. The inner courtyard is to be made accessible to the public through the connection with the neighboring buildings in Uhlandstraße, in line with the original concept of the “Kempinski Plaza”.

Site Plan
Historical Design
Floorplan Ground Floor
Elevation Intervention



In Planning


Fasanenstr. 16-21
Kurfürstendamm 27
10719 Berlin




Interior Architecture:
bueroZ, Stuttgart
Supporting Structure:
IB Horn GmbH, Leipzig
Building Service Equipment:
Janowski & Co Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, Berlin
Fire Protection:
brandschutz+, Berlin

Floorplan 1st Floor
Floorplan 2nd Floor
Floorplan 7th Floor